Allow students to choose different ways to present their work.  They can use these tools to present their understanding of a topic, evidence what they have produced or present an idea or an argument.

There are a great many tools which can be used.  Here are a few tried and tested free tools which we like and students enjoy using.  There are tutorials on how to use each on the website for each tool and a quick search on YouTube will help you to find more.  Most of these tools require you to create a user account but this is free and easy to do:

    Animoto - Create impressive multimedia presentations/videos

    Weebly - Create free professional websites (this whole site is made using weebly)

    Bitstrips - Create comic strips

    Go Animate - Create online animations

    MyEbook - Create an online ebook and publish it

    Jing - Record your screen and narrate what you are doing

Example of use:

Our Humanities department were doing an enquiry based around the title 'Where is life best?'  One of the ways students presented their thoughts and findings was by using 'Weebly' to create a tourist guide to their chosen place to entice people to go there.  Obviously the site had to include real information and content which made it a good place to liv

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