Place your schemes of work and lesson plans online so all teachers and students can access them.  Your whole department can collaborate on them and the resources needed for each lesson are available at the click of a button. 

Not only that but students can look at them and access student resources easily too.  If they miss a lesson or want to preview what is coming up they have the lessons and resources available to help them to do this.

Any videos, presentations or resources you wish to use to engage students should be instantly available.  Online lesson plans help to ensure that this is the case and that they are easy to find when you need them.

How do you do this?

There are many ways you could do this.  This blog certainly will not set all of them out for you.  Your ICT Coordinator is probably the best person to speak to in the first instance, however, here are a few places to start if you need some suggestions to help get you started:
  • Create an Intranet and use web pages for the lessons.  These could be edited in Microsoft Front Page or Sharepoint Editor
  • Use Google Sites to create lesson plans (part of the google documents suite)
  • Use a blog such as Wordpress to create your lesson plans and to link to your resources
  • Use a website creator such as Weebly (what this website is made using) to create them
  • If you have a school VLE there may be lesson planning tools available as part of it
In an ideal world your school will have a whole school approach to this so that online lessons follow a tried and tested model of teaching and learning and are consistent.  Your ICT coordinator should be able to set this up for you.